Cultivating Belonging. Championing Justice. Inspiring Hope. ​
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Upcoming Events

Spirituality Book Group
6:30 - 8 PM
April 10
Introduction and part 1,
Chapters 1 and 2
Life After Doom: Wisdom and Courage for a World
Falling Apart
Brian D. McLaren
Learn more here!

Next Fiction Book Club
7:00 - 8: 30 PM
April 1
Read to page 202, Kindle 52%, or Audible Chapters 1-19
May 6
Complete Novel
Playground by Richard Powers
Meeting in the Assembly Room
& on Zoom.
Learn more here!

Author Talk and Book Signing
March 22 | 1-3​​
Author, Pat Mervine ,will tell stories from her research into Bucks County people and places involved with the Underground Railroad. Her book, “Slavery, Friends, and Freedom in Bucks County,” will be available for for $30 and will benefit the African American Museum of Bucks County Capital Campaign.

Beginners Bible Study
Tuesdays in April | 6:30 pm
Join us for a 4-week “Welcome to the Bible” study Tuesdays April 1, 8, 15, and 22, from 6:30-8:00 pm. Classes will be led by Claude and Donna Dencler. Feel free to bring your own Bible along, or we will have them available at the church. Please call or email the office (contact@salemstrong.org) to register.
Have a Heart Do Your Part
Now - March 2
Winter brings extra challenges. Helps us stock up the Bucks County Opportunity Council!
Non-perishable, non-expired food items
Personal Hygiene items
Baby Supplies (diapers, wipes, baby wash & lotion)
First Aid Supplies (Neosporin, rubbing alcohol, Band-Aids, anti-itch cream)

Calling all young families!
Each 2nd Saturday we’ll gather to share dinner and support one another in the wild ride that is parenting in the 21st century.
It takes a village, so if you know of another family that needs one, invite them along.