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Pledging FAQs

Our vibrant congregation is entirely self-funded.

That means our church changes lives because of people like YOU.


What is a “pledge” or "sustaining gift?"
Basically, it’s a commitment. You’re saying, “This is what I think I can give every week/month/year to help make this place that I love continue to transform lives.”


How much of Salem's income is from pledges?

Over two-thirds of Salem's income is derived from pledges, so you can see how critically important your pledge is.


How do our pledges get used?

We're so glad you asked! Read all about it in our 2024 Impact Report.


How much should I pledge?
While there are no set amounts, many people find it helpful to think in terms of giving a percentage of their income. Historically, Christians have tried to work up to giving away 10% of their income, but you may not be able to begin there. Many people find it helpful to start with something that feels like it’s a bit of a stretch and then work to increase their giving over time once they see how good it feels.


We find that our members pledge based on an amount that best communicates their commitment to the mission of Salem according to their financial capacity. Salem is a diverse economic community, but the average gift is $52.00 a week.​


What if I can’t pledge a lot of my personal financial resources?

There are many opportunities to become involved in the life of Salem. The purpose of the stewardship campaign is to encourage participation of time, talent and resources in the coming year. If you can only pledge a small amount, then we encourage you to do that. Other ways to contribute include signing up to be a lay reader or greeter, bringing food on Sundays, attending a Social Action or Worship Team meeting, bringing a friend to worship, or participating in a church clean-up day.


How does pledging help the church? Why is it important to make this commitment?
Pledges help your church leaders make a plan for our ministry together in the coming year. We can act with more confidence if we know what’s likely to come in. Giving by automatic withdrawal helps even more, because we know it will be regular and dependable. We also know that giving is a spiritual discipline, and when you pledge (at any level), you feel more ownership and empowerment to be part of the church. 


What are my options for automated giving?
Automated giving provides convenience for you and much-needed donation consistency for our congregation. There are three ways to set up automated giving:


1) Download an electronic transfer form from our website and return the completed form to the church. This will authorize Salem to automatically withdraw a specified amount from your checking account.  

2) Set up regular donation through your bank’s bill pay feature.

3) Fill out a recurring donation online using a credit card.*


*It is helpful to donate through your bank or EFT if possible as credit card companies charge a percentage of your donation as their fee.

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